Saturday 25 October 2014

CWEEF: Cult Members Don't Know They Are In A Cult

Yup, it's a cult, dumbass!

People in this cult claim to be feminist. However, in fact, they are cultists that are setting back women's rights by dragging the word feminism through the foulness that is the excrement that issues forth from their mouths.

CWEEFs are stunningly unaware they are in a cult, but they exhibit hallmarks of cult indoctrination, some of which include: use of loaded language meant to demonize others, herd mentality and the elimination of subjectivity and opinion, group think, military precision of group think enforcement, black and white thinking, strong in-group vs out-group filter, shunning of undesirable former members, straw manning, persecution complex coupled with an apparent desire to be offended, and pre-emptive blacklisting of unapproved sources of information.

Before you can drag out and start hurling at me the "MRA" and "rape apologist" tropes, be assured: I believe everyone should have the same rights and freedoms under the law and in society, regardless of race, religion, sexual preference, or gender. In most (all?) first world countries, this has already been achieved and is protected by law. Yes, there are some isolated problems, and they should be -- and usually are! -- dealt with promptly. To pretend otherwise, as the CWEEFs do, simply takes focus away from the more serious problems facing women in third-world countries.

CWEEF cult leaders: Rebecca Watson, PZ Myers, Ophelia Benson, Amanda Marcotte, Greg Laden, etc.

CWEEF cult members: Chanty Binx, most commenters at FreeThoughtBlogs and /r/ShitRedditSays

FTR: I am not anti-feminist. I am not misogynist. I am not a man hating women. I am just a regular skeptical/atheist person fed up with having a tiny group of people promote the victimization and infantilization of women. In addition to ruining feminism, the CWEEFs are ruining skeptical and atheist movements. Trifecta!

It is hoped that the term "CWEEF" will be widely adopted and serve to disambiguate genuine feminists from that tiny extremely radical group that is so extreme they are no longer even part of the feminist movement.

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